All About Looking


Price: $195.00

Renowned American artist Jim Dine teaches drawing (from male and female nude models) at the famed Internationale Sommerakademie fur Bildene Kunst in Salzburg, Austria.

Produced by: Richard Stilwell

29 min. Color. 1996.

Captioned: No

Catalog #: 0107

Product Description

Renowned American artist Jim Dine teaches drawing (from male and female nude models) at the famed Internationale Sommerakademie fur Bildene Kunst in Salzburg, Austria. The method is rigorous: Models maintain one pose per week; students keep their easels in the same place and each day make a complete, well-observed drawing; then every morning the students have to erase their work and start again.

The class (and the viewer) learns that the effort is not geared toward the creation of a finished product; it is the process that is all important — an understanding that is both liberating and fortifying and designed to enable the student to look and to see.

This outstanding portrait of Dine as an artist and as a teacher was produced by Richard Stilwell for Outside in July, Inc. It makes an excellent companion piece to our noted title, Jim Dine: A Self-Portrait on the Walls.