The Human Body: Appearance, Shape and Self-Image


Price: $295.00

This often poignant and always compelling new video, by the noted producer, Prof. Dane Archer, examines with sensitivity and cross-cultural insight the variety, meaning, and importance of the bodies we inhabit. It explores 12 different facets of the human body, each of which impacts our preferences, our ideals, our attitudes, and — perhaps most important — our self-images.

Produced by: Dane Archer

37 min. Color. 1998.

Captioned: Yes

Catalog #: 0006

Product Description

This often poignant and always compelling video examines with sensitivity and cross-cultural insight the variety, meaning, and importance of the bodies we inhabit. It explores 12 different facets of the human body, each of which impacts our preferences, our ideals, our attitudes, and — perhaps most important — our self-images.

Some of the subjects examined in the video are bulimia, anorexia, tattooing, branding, plastic surgery, scarification, body prejudices and “weightism,” the impact of “super-models” and beauty pageants, the effects of aging, and cultural differences in ideas about personal beauty. In each case, the power, subtlety, and significance of the body is explored. Using the powerful evidence of their own lives, the people who appear in the video demonstrate how each of us is dramatically affected by the strong attitudes, preferences, and feelings we have about our own bodies.

The Human Body is perhaps the most moving and deeply emotional of all the videos on nonverbal behavior and communication produced by Prof. Dane Archer, of UC Santa Cruz. It is also imbued with the same zest and humor that have made all his works so popular in classrooms worldwide.