Price: $150.00
Filmed on the Couer d’Alene and Flathead reservations in Idaho and Montana, this unusual documentary explores the impact of Christian missionaries on the Native peoples of the northwestern Plateau and examines the ongoing tensions and dialogue between Christianity and traditional religious practices.
Product Description
Filmed on the Couer d’Alene and Flathead reservations in Idaho and Montana, this unusual documentary explores the impact of Christian missionaries on the Native peoples of the northwestern Plateau and examines the ongoing tensions and dialogue between Christianity and traditional Native religious practices.
Native elders comment on religious changes and the pain of losing their language, culture, and land since the arrival of the “black robes” 150 years ago. Historic photos of reservation life and scenes of a Catholic Indian mass and traditional stick game illustrate how Native people continue to practice “both the ways,” and attest to the survival of Indian sacred traditions despite the adoption of Christianity.
“The People Today” will generate thought and discussion in an aray of courses in Native American studies, comparative religion, and cultural anthropology. It was produced by Lawrence Johnson.