The Toured: The Other Side of Tourism in Barbados


Price: $225.00

Tourism is the second-largest industry in the world and the "touristic encounter" may be the most important contact front today between differing cultures. But such encounters, especially between people of the First and Third worlds, are often characterized by strikingly unequal power relations.

Produced by: Julie Pritchard Wright

38 min. Color. 1992.

Captioned: No

Catalog #: 0085

Product Description

Tourism is the second-largest industry in the world and the “touristic encounter” may be the most important contact front today between differing cultures. But such encounters, especially between people of the First and Third worlds, are often characterized by strikingly unequal power relations.

This provocative documentary portrays the experience of tourism from the point of view of those who are “toured,” in this case on the Caribbean island of Barbados. It examines the realities of making a living in a tourist economy, dealing with stereotypical “ugly Americans,” witnessing one’s traditional culture change under the impact of foreign visitors, and absorbing unceasing government exhortations to “make a friend for Barbados today.”

“The Toured” will spark thought and discussion in a range of courses in cultural anthropology, Latin American and Caribbean studies, sociology, and popular culture. It was produced by Julie Pritchard Wright.